Saturday, 17 January 2009


Tamarin Norwood from MFA Art Writing arrives.

boyleANDshaw contribution; piss jewel



So far the fanzine room in 176 has calmed down in its activity.

We have a master copy of the fanzine for the show on the wall with contributions from

boyleANDshaw - Funnel of love

Ryan Gander - As it presents itself - Somewhere vague

Dan Shaw-Town and Tim Winter 'At the edge of the world his journey begins, an objects search for autonomy' (press release)

Gareth Bell Jones and Dominic Rich - Objectophila in Contested Ground

Emma Astner and Louise O'Hare - Book Collections

Gareth Bell Jones - The Sad Ghost

Tom Trevatt - Contingent Ground: Post-Foundational Poltics, Violence and the Art Object

Stefan Demming - The Edge of the City (press release)

Victric Thng - The Mole / Requim for a Somnambulist (press release)

Davina and Daniel - Emotional Pie Chart


176 Project Space are hosting Contested Ground, a two day curatorial investigation initiated by Curating students from Goldsmiths and the Royal College. There will be two whole days of events, screenings, exhibitions, talks, symposia and activity. On Saturday evening starting at 6pm we are having a Artist Disco, performances and DJing.

Results or outcomes are rarely left to chance; the indiscernible is unacceptable. This rejection of the unforeseen creates a closed system where predictability and predetermination are celebrated. In the name of embracing the unexpected and reinstating the importance and efficacy of chance, 176 will become a test site for curatorial experimentation and artistic productivity. In an environment which encourages overlapping, ‘competition’ for space and visibility, and forced interaction, the closed system of predictability is replaced by a space of potential where multiple outcomes are produced, questions are asked, and opinions are posited.


Talks, Screenings and Performances time table


11:30am-12:00pm - Richard Sides, some visible electromagnetic radiation wavelengths into spectromorphological shapes, 2009, light-sensitive computer-generated image and sound, electronic light sculptures

12:30-1:00pm – Victric Thng, Requiem for the Somnambulist, 2007, HD, 2 min. 15 sec.
The Mole, 2006, HD, 12 min

1:15-1:45pm – Richard Sides, possible spectrums/black fading through white, 2009, digital video with sound

2:15pm – boyleANDshaw, Funnel of Love, 2009, multimedia performance

3:00pm - CollectingLiveArt, Legacy of Live Art Salon

4:00pm – Victric Thng, Requiem for the Somnambulist, 2007, HD, 2 min. 15 sec.
The Mole, 2006, HD, 12 min.

5:00pm –YOUTUBE.COM Pattern, Artists' music videos

6:00–10:00pm- Artist disco

7:45pm- Davina and Daniel, tug-of-war


11:30am - Rastko Novakovic, Sundays in Majdanpek, (2007), 32 min. video

1:00pm – YOUTUBE.COM Pattern, Performance

2:00pm – Rastko Novakovic, Lebensraum, (2008-ongoing), ca. 75 mins, live performance

3:00pm – FormContent lead a tour of Contested Ground

3:30pm – Rastko Novakovic, Open debate following the performance Lebensraum with the artist and guest speakers

4:00pm- Steve Klee, Here We Were When We Bashed The Fash, 2008, video, 10 min.

5:00pm- Victric Thng, Requiem for the Somnambulist, 2007, HD, 2 min. 15 sec.
The Mole, 2006, HD, 12 min

6:00pm – YOUTUBE.COM Pattern, Interviews